Naše B-leglo, je ugledalo svet 04.01.2015. Skotilo se je sedem samčkov.
2 x črno bel, 2 x blue merle, 2 x črnobel-tricolour in 1 blue merle-tricolour samček.
2 x črno bel, 2 x blue merle, 2 x črnobel-tricolour in 1 blue merle-tricolour samček.
Flyline Before Sunrise (INDY) - owner Martin Žnidarčič
Flyline Bowman (CHILLY) - owner Marko Konič
Flyline Brave Heart (BOR) - owner Blaž Jeločnik
Flyline Blue Sky (ZIP) - owner Miha Bračko
Flyline Beautiful Mind (ZEUS) - owner Natalija Kukec in Andrej Gjureč
Flyline Be the One (BOW) - owner Janja Erjavec
Flyline Black Arrow (SKY) - owner Saša Grmek